Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste

Ugh…I have split my first finger right across the fingerprint. It hurts so bad and is so fussy about typing. We are a medical facility with the worst band-aids ever. None of them cover the cut well enough.

I forgot to write yesterday. My weekend update was severely interrupted by a secret report here at work, which I finished yesterday. I found 902 babies. Some of them were way lost. It took me all day Thursday, Friday and yesterday to find them, but I found them all. Two of them were no where in the computer, I just happened to have a piece of paper about them on my desk. Those two were really lost.

Saturday I got really motivated and pulled out the paint to paint my kitchen with and did two more walls. I will have to put on a second coat, but I am more motivated than ever to finish the project. I have been working on myself emotionally and mentally here lately and one of my focuses is to stay out of other people’s business, which I am totally not good at in any shape or fashion. I am a blog-a-holic, which should say something. But, since I am TRYING to focus on self, I got the kitchen half done. Amazing how much time I have now that I am paying more attention to me. I super cleaned my apartment too while I was in the crazy motivated mode. It has a smell that is a cross between paint and ammonia. Unfortunately the weather dropped out from underneath me though and I couldn’t open my windows to air the place out. I had to go to John’s because it was so fumy. It wasn’t that bad last night. I am glad because this morning it was 20 degrees out when I got in the shower!

I also watched two movies: Sylvia and School of Rock. Sylvia was by the folks who did Lost In Translation and Gosford Park. It was a weird perspective of Sylvia Path’s life. I didn’t know much about her prior to the movie, other than that she is a poet. As it turns out she was a poet. She killed herself with a gas oven. It was a tragedy and I was totally not prepared for that. It had some amazing shots and phenomenal acting on behalf of Ms. Paltrow. They really set her loose in this one. I was glad that I had School of Rock to watch otherwise. My co-worker noticed that I didn’t do comedies much so I am trying to broaden my scope in cinema to some of the comedy of today. I saw Dickie Roberts and now I have seen School of Rock. Dickie Roberts was hysterical, although not for children and School of Rock was quite the little kid’s picture. I was surprised at Jack Black for doing such a sweet film. He is such a crazy person who tends to be on the vulgar side. One of the children said in an interview in the special features that she thought he was really nervous and uncomfortable being himself because she thought that he had been in some adult films that she wasn’t aloud to see so he was not used to “us kids.” (I love little kids interviews.) Guess he realized he was a little on the vulgar side. I am glad he behaved in front of the children. The film was good. Pretty common place with not a whole thought going into it which tends to make funny things become funnier as they go. Another interesting point that I found out after the fact was the kids could all really play the instruments and Jack Black had to take lessons on site to figure things out. The pianist was featured on NPR for being one of the best in the country….”from the top” I think is the name of the show, something like that anyways.

I will never miss another day at the gym again. I missed three days (Fri, Sat and Sun) and yesterday I felt like a dragon: slow, fiery, and exerting way too much energy. When I finished the elliptical machine, I had to sit down until I could catch my heart rate back. I hate it when I do that. I felt so bad that I went and bought a fitness magazine and Dr. Phil’s new eating book (I am a sucker, I know). The woman on the show said a key phrase that means a lot to me and I figure it was a sign: it’s all in the book. I have not asked for hardly any help on this whole gym deal, except once and the advice almost killed me. Sarah said that if I was going to do something like that again, I needed to eat. What I heard her say was Screw Atkins! And I liked that better. Hopefully, this will work now that I have an instruction guide. It is not so much that I want to lose the weight as I do the inches. I know that I am healthier than about 80% of America, but I want more. Carter used to say that it is good to want things, it builds character. I would proceed to whack him with whatever I had in my hand. I guess, I thought he was smarting off to me. He probably was, but I shouldn’t have whacked him, although I had a tendency to whack him a lot when were growing up. Little brothers just make you want to whack something though, doesn’t make it right. It turns out though after all these years, he’s right. When I want things, I end up having an experience of some sort and have to make decisions as to what is right or wrong for me which builds character. So now I guess I will read the book, follow the instructions and give updates as to whether it works or not.

Wow, I had a lot to say and now I am all out of things to say.

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