Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
you had a busy day today

Some days I wonder if I actually participate. I mean, I am conscience of what’s happening I just do not know where it went. Yesterday, I went to work. I went to the gym. I called a couple of girlfriends; talked to Mom a bit; took bath-I love bubble baths and cannot wait till I have a giaganto Jacuzzi like Mom and Dad; went to meet with friends and talk about God; went to John’s, read my Bible and finished a chapter of Cold Mountain; drank hot tea, said my prayers and went to bed. I specifically took that bath to try and slow my day down, but it just didn’t happen. My life is full and yet I am constantly thinking of new things to put into it. For example, I really want to be in a church choir or perhaps the Sautee Choral, but I don’t know if I have the time or not, plus the conductor has changed to someone I don’t know. I would like to go back to playing bridge, but that has been replaced due to the night it meets. This year’s musical is Little Shop of Horrors, bleck, same director and choreographer as last year, double bleck. I have got to find something to preoccupy me for the summer or I will go nutso. I can’t go through summer and miss it. Missing summer? That would not be good. Maybe this year I will do something outside, maybe with crafts or at least some sun that would make summer fun. Hopefully, today will be a chilled day. I know that there was some chilly-ness due to the weather and is turning muggy and hot. Ho…….children go where I send thee, how shall I send thee? I need music in my summer too. Maybe this will shake me out of my busy-ness and into the presence of my life.

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