Thursday, March 04, 2004

Now were talking about a difficult thing
Your eyes are getting wet
But I took us for better and I took us for worse
Don’t you ever forget

So I noticed that gay marriage is the hot topic for the month (I also noticed that someone else brought it up on their blog so I thought that I would put my two cents in too.). In my world, this is the third month: Made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God, as I understand Him. Now, see if you can follow the random train of thought on this one. I have a tendency to go around the world, but I am going to link those first two sentences, promise.

I was listening to the radio this morn, good ole 99x whose morning show has been getting worse each day with small epochs of glimmers of hope that it will re-establish its self. Today, the crew was once again posturing on gay marriage. One said that he opposed gay marriage due to religious reasons, he is a Jew, but thought there should be some type of unions granted. One, being heavily involved with several gay couples in life, posed the questions as to if there was something wrong with her friends if they can’t get married, as though they had the plague or a third eye. The third was totally pro gay marriage and Yea Gay, which is an unusual stance from the particular individual because generally speaking he is a moron. I felt like this was a good representation of the different opinions being recklessly thrown about this issue.

I have heard on the news the gays standing off to the religious zealots in a toe to toe match debate on the courthouse steps of some random city in California expressing the freedoms which are endowed by this fine country with which we live. I have seen the politicians carefully phrasing their words in order to appease the constituents. I have sat and listened to Crossfire on CNN (well actually I wasn’t sitting, I was on a work out thing at the gym sweating like crazy and yelling back at the TV, while folks thought I was nuts, which I am so this is good that they get the right impression). I am listening and I don’t hear the heart of the matter. I don’t hear the reality of the issue.

To me the reality of the issue is not gay marriage or straight marriage. It is marriage in general. To me, I don’t understand why government is involved with marriage at all. The only thing I see is 1) taxes (the government is a business and finds anyway for it to make money possible) and 2) the census (let us be counted…important figures for economical, biological and other ical reasons). To me, marriage is between me, the person who has chosen me, and I them, and God. What’s the government doing in the middle? Well, like I said it has to make money. From a republican stand point, you’d think they would say: sure get gay married so we can make more money!! Hurrah! From a democratic standpoint, you’d think they’d say: everyone is loved, get gay married so we can celebrate diversity! Hurrah! So why is everyone in an up roar? Well, there is the religious thing, the moral thing and the powerful thing. The religious people say: homosexuality is bad; it says so in the Bible, in the Torah, in the Koran. The moral people say: it doesn’t make sense, the biological pieces don’t fit, economically it is not sound due to the constraints of the insurance companies and etc. The powerful people say: I am right no matter what, elect me and I will stay in charge of things (they say this on a regular basis, but it seems to work for them)hurumph, hurumph, hurumph. Then there are those who realize that while the morals and values of the people who established this country were predominately laden with Christian influences, they came here specifically for the opportunity to have religious freedoms, space and taxation with representation and other idealistic values. In establishing the country, they left out God, sort of. They left out any specified deity. This means that the government is free of religion. There are some kinks in the system which causes quite a fuss on a regular basis in today’s world: i.e. “One nation under God,” & “In God we Trust.” Now to make sure I wasn’t totally crazy wrong on this, I looked up the Bill of Rights and the Constitution so that I could skim and see for myself if God is mentioned: Nope, Not there. What this means then is that its about God as I understand Him……see told you I’d skip back around. It means that God as I understand Him may not be the God that you understand: which is the purpose of this country’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. It also means that there is not any form of discriminations to the rights of this country. None. Not even in marriage. It means that if I want to marry an Egyptian aristocrat, I can marry and Egyptian aristocrat or a Hindu priestess, I can. It means that if I want to vote and am the only blue person in the nation, I get to vote. I am given these inalienable rights because I am a citizen of this country not because I am cute, rich, popular, dishonest/honest or with or with out integrity. While the positions held by the officials are entirely about character, the citizenship of this country is not. I also understand that if you want your rights as a citizen, you must sometimes fight for them. If you don’t, you may not really be a citizen. Marriage is not about government, it is about God, as I understand Him, which is provided by the cloak of this same government and it is time for the government to get out of the way. The biggest problem is the powerfuls, it means they lose a little of it. Power is simply about control and this is one less thing controlled. Knowing the powerfuls, however, they will find a way to control in some twisted way, also known as bureaucracy. Gotta love America, there’s no place like it..

Boy I feel better having said all this. I am sure that there are some fallacies with in the opinion versed, but I don’t care. It is just nice to get out how I feel about it. Venting? Yes that would be me, although now that I am done I feel empty. Guess I will have to find something else to pick on.

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