Thursday, March 11, 2004

Lost it on the chesterfield

Or Maybe on a gamblin wheel

Lost it in a diamond mine

It's dark as hell and hard to find

Guess who learned how to speak HTML? Yes, yes, that would obviously be me, because I am the one asking the question (as it always happens that way). I am so excited!! Thanks to little brother helping me out and some uncovering, discovering and discarding on the internet, I am learning a new language, which adds to my value as an employee here in my new found, been here for five months, job! Now, five months is nothing in the way of employment for most folk, however, for me it is a lifetime. Sadly, we had someone here in the office let go today and that is....well, different. Most of the people who work here have been here for a long time and are not going anywhere either. There are also not that many of us here in the office either (20-25). So having one go is, wierd, sad and hard.

On a lighter note, I went to the flower shop today because it is Thursday and that is where I eat my Thursday lunch (unless it snows) and she got a bundle of lilacs in today. Lilacs aren't anything like I imagined they would be. I thought they were miniature violets, but they are snapdragon looking flowers in mass amounts. I see why you can make scents out of them. There are so many in one at a time that you could make enough smell for everything that needs it and then some. I bought some note cards that I really liked and that are so upscale. Her shop exudes class. I hope I can achieve that some day. Class that is, not lilacs odor.

Speaking of flowers, I got to hang out with baby Iris last night. She is super cool. She is doing the Indian ohwawawawawa thing now and it is so funny! It just makes me laugh and laugh. The more I laugh the louder she got. I can't believe how heavy she is. My left arm is crampy from carrying her around. I am going to have to learn to switch hips/arms when I carry her. She teaches me so much about me. Things like: how to express my gasiness!! Arararar jk. Conveying love and honest communication. Ask for what you need, when you need it and don't suffer from Hunger, Anger Loneliness or Tiredness (HALT). I am glad Meg had her. She is nice to have around.

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