Monday, March 08, 2004

one could send you down the river
three's a strange way to be delivered
would you trade your words for freedom
that's a barter for a blind man

So Moses is not such a great guy. For some reason I had him posted up in my head as one of the greats, but in all reality. He couldn’t have even spoken had it not been for Aaron. Although, the way it is phrased, it makes me think that Aaron was an interpreter for Egyptian and that Moses Egyptian was not all that great, but that doesn’t make sense either. I mean, the guy was raised in the house of the Pharoah. I don’t know why he needed Aaron other than that people need people. Hahahahaha.

Got a new terra-cotta pot for my c-h-r-y-s-a-n-t-h-E-m-u-m. She is all sqenched up in the pot she is in and not breathing so well. Her little leaves are doing the weird brown thing and it is apparent, she is hanging off the table, that she has outgrown the pot she is in now. I am going to paint it up and make it pretty for her; also got new potting soil too. I will probably repot my peace lily because apparently it is good for them to change out the dirt every so often, at least according to my gardening friend. Had quite a trip to Walmart in the middle of the night on Saturday. John got a beta fish, which almost gave me heart attack. Can’t figure that one out yet, but there was a definite emotional reaction to him buying a fish. It made me laugh, laugh at the emotions that is, not the fish. He named it Moby.

Got to go golfing and shopping with my girlfriend, Megan and her baby girl, Iris. Iris was a perfect gem the entire shopping trip. She gave that “I am about to be really fed up with this whole shopping thing” look when we were paying at our last store, which was perfect timing. You know the face I am talking about, the silent scream before she lets a real blaster scream rip? Yeah, that one. We went to the coolest new store ever. Bye-bye Cato’s and Rich’s. Hello, Purely Chic!! It is this tiny shop on the square in Clarkesville, just down the way from Gertie Mae’s (which had great tulips this week for $10!! I bought them to compliment what was left of my bouquet two weeks ago, which was all yellow daisies so I got red tulips and Tada!! New bouquet!). Both Meg and I had been eyeing the store for some time. I was so afraid that it would be one of those stores that I could only purchase one item in with all my shopping money for three months, but it turns out, it just so happens that it just has the clothes like that and not the prices. They were left-overs from Liz Claiborne and Ann Taylor and Liz Taylor and and and! The tags were still on them from the heavy hitters stores and I bought $120 worth of clothes for…….$40.00!!!! It was great! I got a new office outfit (black skirt and black decorated blouse), a new taupe shirt for going out and about, and a new painting shirt that looks rather like an army green bandana. I felt like I had just been to THE Mall of Georgia and not been robbed. It was great. Then we went to a little place that had gap, old navy, ck, polo and what-nots in it, but I didn’t get anything there. Meg did though. She is much more petit than I am so she can fit into both women’s stuff and teen’s stuff. Me, I am all woman. That is when Iris gave the scream. So we picked up Megan’s clubs and went to the driving range for a while. Iris really likes being outdoors. It was nice to swing the club for a while. It has been almost two seasons since I played and didn’t realize how much I like it.

Sunday was all business. I had a district meeting and it was in Toccoa. It was really good though. Sometimes they are kind of lame and since I am the secretary, being bored is not good because I lose track of the minutes and forget to report something. It was nice to have fun. John changed the oil in my car, that was nice and then………the weather freaked me OUT! A wind blew across White County that was something aweful. It was as though it were the Native American Ghosts who used to inhabit the land walking across Mount Yonah into the Sautee Valley and over to the flatlands of Habersham (can you tell I have been reading Anne lately? I am on Anne of the Isle). It was spooky. I wasn’t the only one who was spooked. Then! Today’s weather report called for snow tomorrow. When I rose this morning it was 38 degrees. Something’s is coming! Hopefully it will be all rain and mess no snow, but they say that if it snows tomorrow that it will snow again before spring and it will be worse( I love old wives tales, they are so interesting!)! Just the same I am going home to collect kindling so that I will have it for tomorrow. Even if it rains, I will be cold. Mostly, I am always cold until a week after Memorial Day. Then I am warm till Labor Day. I think it has something to do with being raised in the summers at Avondale Pool.

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