Monday, March 15, 2004

“I prayed for wisdom and I didn’t get it. It kind of pissed me off…” said the President
“He sent you a Rabbi, a Priest and a Quaker, what more can you ask for?” asked the Priest, “Ned, would you like to confess your sins?”
“Yes, yes I would.” Responded the President

Weekend was good:

So I have found the world of the West Wing. While I don’t have TV, my parents bought a whole TV series on DVD. What a great thing DVD’s are. On Saturday I watched a whole DVD full of West Wing. I know that I have seen clips of it and it seemed like a descent show. Now I know what all the fuss is about! It is a tremendous drama. It addresses issues that are real and difficult and hopefully portrays what goes on in the White House. Anyway, I really like it. The two I liked the best were on Leo being a recovering drunk and Mr. President with the capital punishment. The President just knows everything. He is wicked smart.

I also went walking with Dad on Saturday and ran across a moving sale which Carter was leaving from that was an awesome thing. I got a Christmas tree and décor for $15!! I also got several items for the homestead. The woman said OH! You have your own place with out much stuff, well here, take all my home stuff. I think she thought it was my first rodeo. Dad got a couch for the new chorus room and Mom got new sheets for the queen bed which anywhere else price at $50, but at garage sales they are $3! Carter found a book which talks about super great Uncle Farrish. Apparently, the book isn’t in print and is very ta-do in the world of Mom’s side of the family. Carter’s eyes were all twinkled and his belly was all tickled over it. Basically it says that Uncle Farrish was the richest man ever. Like you couldn’t tell from the plantation?

So now I have all kinds of things and I think that over the course of the next week I am going to have to begin the sorting in order that I can be clean in my small place. I don’t have any storage so making storage makes for great creative juices to flow, which takes energy. Going to the gym helps with that though. The garage sale was great fun. It was like my family struck oil. I remember when Avondale used to do the flea market at the C&S Bank during the fall. It was because Avondale doesn’t allow garage sales and used to not allow signs in the yard. We had a parking space full of our stuff and this little woman came along and bought a whole bunch of my old dolls and I asked Mom why she would want my dolls. She simply replied “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” She bought my little black headed doll with the yellow dress. That was the first time I’d heard that phrase. It made me feel better about the dolls being sold.

Saturday was so relaxing. There were no real demands or requirements. I did take my Saturn in to find out why the service engine light was beaming bright orange. It came on not long after Christina’s came on and I took for granted that it was due to the cold weather, but now that we are in the season of the confused, we have a few warm days and the light didn’t knock off. When I took it to be diagnosed, the diagnosis was that,” Well ma’am, I know this seems a little strange, but it seems that an animal has eaten through one of your wires, specifically the AIT wire.” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that is not at all unusual, that I live in the woods with wild deer, pigs, bears and not surprisingly—squirrels. My girlfriend went camping for a week and left her truck at her place to come home and find it infested with a squirrel family. Had to throw out the engine and start over. I am glad that the squirrels only ate the wire for lunch as opposed to my whole engine.

How much do I love my two new CD’s? Mom and Dad got me the new Norah Jones in Nashville and Dad made me a hand picked recording of the girls. I don’t know who is better, Norah or the girls. I love new music. I gave a copy of Dad’s girls to my super duper boss (he owns the company). He put the CD on repeat and hasn’t turned it off yet. I’m going to say (just off the cuff with out asking) that he likes it.
Thank goodness I’m home. I am glad to be home. Real glad. It was good to be meeting with friends to talk about God in Clarkesville last night. It’s like my mountain family. Although, they are not as cool as my real family, but they run a close second. I am grateful I have both of them.

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