Friday, August 22, 2003

While you around here play
Wild on the warm and far away
While you around here play
The days keep scrbbling themselves
In tidy lines

Something wierd has happened......summer is almost over. How did this happen? I could have sworn that things were just warming up to a boiling point! There are so many memories that go with summer for me. There is walking to the pool, towel in tow and jumping at the fence with the scary dog. There is going to the beach with friends. There is that one horrible burn each inevitable year. Although, fall is pretty cool too. But summer, it is the best. Long days meant for long drives in the mountains. Feeling like the days never end. First loves and lost loves.....they all happen in the summer. Sleepy days with lemonades and rain somewhere in the middle. Days are shorter now. The sun was still red this morning when I passed by on my way to work. The night creeps in before I am ready for bed. How did this happen? I think I missed summer. Or maybe I just got older.

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