Monday, August 11, 2003

Excercise your faith, Walk with God!

I saw this on Cleveland FBC's sign and it inspired me. I started walking this weekend. It's just get into shape, however it might be of some use if I get to participate in the Labor Day race in Avondale. I don't know what made me do it. I just know that when I excercise, I feel better about myself overall. I am walking 2 miles a day at about 15 minute miles. Pretty good if I do say so myself. I am also doing sixty crunches and some leg lifts. It doesn't sound like much, but I am not one for pain. So I start easy and build from there. There is definitely some tension in my muscles today, but I am not up for the whole feeling so sore I can't move the next day syndrome like some people. I am just up for the I feel better today syndrome. Willingness---I am willing to lose weight and have the courage to excercise my faith with God!! Ha, HA!! yeah.

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