Tuesday, July 22, 2003

What do they mean technically the company owns the email? This means that I can't send usless pieces of info over the internet to my folks and kin? How dare they!! I thought that the whole point of having a job with a computer was so that I could keep in touch with my loved ones for free. What is really funny is that we installed all this fancy smancy new email and net server stuff. . .very expensive. . .and it blacklisted everyone as viral spam that was out going non manufacturing mail. Which means anyone in the company was fine and dandy, however, everyone else in the WORLD rejected email from the company!!! HA HA!! That is what they get. Hopefully, those of us who are savvy computer people (apparently I am a savvy computer person according to the IT guy! HA! Me! Computer Savvy!!)will figure a way around things outgoing to the peeps in the rest of the world. The mail is supposed to become un-black listed by tomorrow. Who knows!! We shall see.

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