Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Humility.....It's a God thing, do ya understand?

Main Entry: hu·mil·i·ty
Pronunciation: hyü-'mi-l&-tE, yü-
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
: the quality or state of being humble

Ok fine......

Main Entry: 1hum·ble
Pronunciation: 'h&m-b&l also chiefly Southern '&m-
Function: adjective
Date: 13th century
1 : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
2 : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission < a humble apology >
3 a : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUS b : not costly or luxurious

Humility was the topic of discussion with the friends last night. Change and humility. Humility is not humiliation---although sometimes that is how it is achieved. However, if you replace humility with "God's Will" in any sentence, it allows for a true sense of humility. Others believe that humility is synonomous with teachablilty. It is not something that I have very much of yet, but I had more than three years ago. I like the idea that humility is God's will the most. It is strange because to me humility is not an action, it is something inside that connects with emotions and maybe even the soul. It is like the feeling of softness, fragility and nervousness when I am trying to pick up something I don't want to fall apart or break. Like picking a rose petal off of a rose or holding a newborn baby. It is similar to that. It is an emotion conveyed in body language and tone of voice not in words or speech. I believe that Matthew Cuthbert is the picture perfect humble feeling when he puts the pearls around Anne's neck for the reading at the White Sands Hotel of the Highwayman. Humility is inside, it is something spiritual between . . .kindred spirits. . .perhaps. Humility to me is love and God is love. . .get my drift. . .

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