Thursday, July 31, 2003

if you sing it, they will listen.......

So I got an interesting email yesterday saying that there is a demand for a second showing of Godspell. The email was mostly for the official head count to see who can and who can't do it. Hopefully, everyone will be able. I love the musical. I love any musical. There is something that happens when you work that hard on something for an extended period of time with a group of people. It is like the mission trips I went on in high school. We put a lot of effort into learning a new piece for Ed or Jerry, or learning to become a clown or puppeteer. When all was said and done, there was a bond, a shared love for something and it was unbreakable until someone said. . . .goodbye. Then things fell to the wayside and it became a memory almost instantly. When I was a teenager, inevitably someone would cry at the last night or day. And although I was a snob then and think they were being ridiculous, mostly it was because I didn't know how to say goodbye myself. In all reality I wanted to cry too. Now that I am an "adult," I still want to cry sometimes when something ends that has that type of tie to it. When I was in highschool though, my best friend and I would call each other and talk for hours on the phone about each other's experience on the trip. Our Moms thought we were crazy because they thought we had just spent the trip together, but the youth group was so large that we always planned on having a trip together and went two different directions so we had to catch up. Sometimes, we'd just go spend the night the Saturday after the trip. It was just us. We are totally opposite and get along great, even when we fight. She is out in the dessert studying rocks right now. There isn't anyone around here like that yet. I am sure twenty years from now, I will find that not to be so true though.

That was what my meditation this morning was about. This too shall pass. Everything from musicals to bestfriends to leaving and starting anew. It all passes. The two great constants in the world are time and change, which is why it is so important for me to value the moment. Sometimes there is a moment for nostalgia too. You know, I miss Lea Anne. I miss the Quilters. I miss being sixteen, but it sure would be great to sing and dance again for GODSPELL. This feeling too shall pass.

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