Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Let's Go to the movies. . .

I had a wonderful girls night in with me, myself and I. I brought icecream--Phish Food--Ben & Jerry's by the pint. Me brought a bag of chips and Myself brought the movies. Enticing movies I might add.

okokok, down to the business of movies....

Brotherhood of the Wolf.....was excellent for being a foreign film. Also, it had a good plot with realistic limitation of the characters and events that would occur to them. It was supposed to be a legend being told, but it was obviously not written by the Grimm brothers. It was a dash of Dances with Wolves, a dash of Braveheart, a smidgen of a Bruce Lee film, a dash of Last of the Mohicans and a dash of originality set in France. Not a Mom movie due to the blood and gore, however, not a riotous blood bath either. Well directed. Well edited. Had a good plot. Kept my attention focused and drew me into another world. The actors were tremendous. The villian was great and the hero was pretty good too. Couldn't tell you their names though. Excellent movie, highly recommend it on DVD (yea no sub titles, unless you like reading a movie). Left me feeling like I wanted to be in love in a movie with courage and a good Iroquois as a friend by my side. I liked it. Music was good too. Not tremendous though. I give it a B+ (91).

BoilerRoom....almost lived it, except with a different sale. Understood that it was a good plot. The casting was okay, but not great. I see why Giovanni got the lead, but he was supposed to play a romantic lead as well. The romantic lead was a bust. There was no chemistry at all. He also looked like he was strung out all the time, which was annoying. Although, his character is never healthy-emotionally or physically through out the film, so I will buy it. I had no idea that Vin Disel (or however you spell his name) was in this flick, but he was really really good. I knew this man could act a part other than the studly hunk o' luvin' part. Ben Affleck did a great job being a jerk as a cameo. The feds were over done and the constant eerly feel that some movies play well was WAY over done. Overall, the movie left a bad taste in my mouth. Kind of that copper taste. It wasn't great. If you rent it for the reason myself rented it, which was "Hmm. . .I never did see this movie and they don't have in what I want to see. . .ok I'll get it," then it was fine, but for all other intensive purposes forget it. There was some good acting in it though, two stars: one for the reality of the movie and the other for the truck load of good looking men trying to act with what they were given.

Then I went and said my prayers, read Anne and went to sleep.

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