Monday, July 07, 2003

On the willows there, we hung up our lyres

So the show is finally over. Mom and Dad, Carter and Sarah came to see me on Saturday night, which was good. We all went to the best restaurant in the world, Alice's Restuarant and then to the musical. Ha, ha . . .I got the DVD player that . . .well I figured out that I was going to get and two DVD's, that was exciting. My brother gave me Legally Blonde and Dead Poet's Society. Strangly enough I like Legally Blonde. I watched it last night and now am exhausted today. And of course any one who knows me knows that I have loved the Dead Poets since the first time I saw them. I really believe that Robin should have won the Oscar for this movie, but he wasn't even nominated, which is not surprising because generally comedians do not. Not saying that they can't be, look at Tom Hanks, but generally. I hope that the DVD has the extra footage that the VHS does not. I have only ever seen the extra footage once and that was when Dead Poets was aired on TV. John gave me the most beautiful tea pitcher in the world. It is a blue and brown racoo pottery piece that just so happens to be functional. I made my first pitcher of sweet tea last night and almost set my house on fire in the process. Only I could burn the house down making sweet tea. Although I think my mother had a talent for it too. Rumor has it that my Dad ate burnt hamburger helper for the first year of their marriage. Gosh, they will be married thirty years in September! Don't see that nowadays.

Ah, now the topic at hand. Our Lyres are hung up. I am no longer a pretend disciple of a pretend Chirst. (I am a real disciple of a real Christ mind you!) There will be no more laborious sessions with a cheoreographer who has it in for me. There will be no more extensive rehearsals going over lines, blocking movements or tuning vocals. We had a very bookending type production. Apparrently, everyone thought the show was good, even on some of our worst nights. For community theatre, yes it was definitely surprising. There were no lulls or lost lines or hiccups because someone could not get off stage fast enough or the worst thing possible, having a child disrupt the production with a wave to the parents or climbing on stage for no apparent reason. The nights that we peaked as a cast were: opening and closing nights. I think that we peaked opening night because we were so excited and closing night because we were so relaxed. We knew it was over and that there would be no more director's notes or dancer's notes or, ever what. Both nights went off without a hitch. Unfortunately, all that is left is memories. There are some pictures and it was decided that the cast party would be when the cast pictures and t-shirts came in, but it will never be the same. I am sure that I will grieve to some extent, but mostly today, I will clean and sleep--two things I really have not had an opportunity to do since, what feels like, rehearsals began.
. . . I miss the kids though. . . I will miss lots of things. Goodbye GODSPELL.

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