Thursday, April 22, 2004

There’s a dark and a troubled side of life,
There’s a bright and sunny side too

The toilet seat wasn’t cold. There was no steam to the shower. My liquid soap was actual liquid, not gel. The windows are open. The sun was easy on the rise. The air smelled like cool mountain air. I am wearing shoes with no toes and no heals. My pants are khaki. People are sneezing. The meteorologists are using the “d” word (drought). My car is turning yellow. The animals are confused and more are ending up in the middle of the road….permanently. The Canadian geese have goslings. The runners are out at the park while the children hang from the monkey bars. There was a free children’s concert in the park last weekend as myself and a girlfriend laid out and laughed, sunned and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Spring has sprung.

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