Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Oh let your light so shine upon me....

So last night I get home for the gym and am debating between Lean Cuisine or salad, when I enter my apartment, grab my phone to check my messages, run to the bathroom. These are daily events that are quick and unthinking, but are daily none the less. As I fllush, the toilet doesn't quite fill up and then I turn on the phone at the same time and not a sound. I flip the light switch and guszitz, zitz, zzz, flash flash. So I turn it off. Check the fridge and it is not on or off rather, dimly lit with no purr. I look at the coffee pot clock and it is blinking. I go to the other clock and it is stagnant. This is what you call the best begining to a horror flick ever. I felt like any minute someone was going to come busting in and get me! So instead. I unplug everything. I get myself a luke cool diet coke and head out the door with the cell phone. I drove to Unicoi State Park and sat in the parking lot on the phone with the power company. I say my power is freaked out like a scary movie and he says, yeah that happens. Yeah, that happens. Turns out that I have underground power and it has for the first time since the house was built in 1989, corroded. The flash flood that happened in the past couple of days, or some like to call it a heavy rain, washed away my power. It gave new meaning to powerless. They were out digging around in the yard at nine thirty last night. I hope it is fixed today. I was not sticking around to sleep in this morning, I found a working alarm clock and a warm bed to be in instead. Ugh, I am really glad that no one was coming to get me.

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