Tuesday, June 29, 2004

You come regular like seasons shadowing my dreams…

So my personal crap is limiting my ability to talk of any particular subject for the blog. All it makes me realize is how consuming things can be when I let them. It has been a tough couple of weeks and I am sure that it is not over yet. I am grateful that it has given me the ability to get a few things done though. My bedroom is back together. I have found someone to take my excess furniture off my hands and I am in process of becoming a serious stripper. Thank goodness for the bedroom. My bedroom looks like me. It looks like who I am supposed to be as opposed to who I have been pretending to be. Strangely enough, it reminds me of my grandmother. I am not sure why, but it does. I can’t decide if it is the head board or the quilt or the placement or the light, but it is something and it is comforting. Some people talk of angels watching over them. Family Circus has an entire plot line that goes along with grandparents turning into angels who watch us from above, which maybe where I get the idea from, but just the same, I recognized that my grandmother was a part of me last night. It was nice. I hope that I can be as kind, loving and spiritual as she was some day. I found someone to take the love seat and big chair off my hands. They seem to be seriously in the way and seeing as I get no use out of them and am really not liking the pattern or style, I am giving them to someone who needs them. Hopefully, they will be moved soon and I will have more room for things I like and are useful. Yesterday I went to the hardware store and had a really nice lady help me get all the things I need to strip my furniture. I tried for about thirty minutes trying to follow instructions on how to get the child proof cap to turn on the “Strip-Ease.” Yeah, never budged. So what I finally did was to use my head and used the back side of the hammer and popped off the child lock and then pried open the “screw on/off” cap. Somehow in the midst of that, I managed to maintain the cap so it would reseal the strip stuff. Amazing. At first the strip stuff really didn’t work. Turns out there is some type of sealant on the furniture (antiquing?) that has to be broken down then, once the sealant is gone, the finish cracks and strips right off like it’s supposed. I didn’t get a good crackle until this morning and then it was time for work. But at least it works. I will probably work some more on it tonight. I am supposed to meet up with a girlfriend and exchange pictures and stories tonight. She went to Nicaragua and we both went to the Indigo Girls. I want to see her pictures of Nic and she of IG. Hopefully there will be some time in there for scraping. I started on the smallest piece first just in case I really screwed up. Thank goodness it is okay. Soon, all the furniture will be me. Ah, well who would guess that this entry would write its self. Hurray.

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