Wednesday, June 23, 2004

They sound tired but they don’t sound Haggard
They money but they don’t have Cash
They’ve got Junior but they don’t have Hank!

I was so proud of myself last night. I got home about six thirty pumped and ready to paint. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail, put on my painting outfit (cut off jean shorts and a bandana t-shirt), pulled out the bucket of paint. I cleaned the rollers. I recovered my new/old furniture, which was stacked out of the way, with plastic. I began to stir up the paint. I am stirring and stirring and stirring. It never turned yellow. So I look on the top again to see what color I pulled. It is marked yellow, but it is the white for the trim. So I go to search for the right can of paint. I dig and dig. No paint. I am out of paint. It has taken me forever to get to a point to paint this crazy room and now that I am ready, God says no. Imagine that? Guess I am not ready to paint the bedroom. So I went to Home Depot to get some more yellow paint. I bought a new brush while I was at it. It took up my whole night. Guess I will work on the bathroom for a while before I try that trick again. My bathroom is also still not painted. It will take some real work due to all the nooks and crannies in it. Looks like that it the order of things. I couldn’t believe that I was out of paint. I still can’t believe that I was out of paint. Geez.

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