Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I wanna sleep on the hard ground
In the comfort of your arms
On a pillow of bluebonnets
In a blanket made of stars

Gosh I am tired, but I had a productive Memorial Day. I hung out with John and one of his sons for a while, then off to the movies with several friends and then home to clean like crazy. I cleaned my bathroom, cleaned my kitchen, cleaned out the refrigerator, went to the grocery store and refilled the refrigerator, cleaned up all of my travel stuff, cleaned the living area so as to pull out everything in the bedroom area into the living area so as to clean and prep for paint. Painting is on the agenda for the evening. I think that this will be the longest ever in painting history. I also prepped all my lunches for the rest of the week, made myself dinner and went to meet with friends to talk about God. I was so exhausted when I got to meet with folks that I have no idea what the heck was talked about or what was said. I just needed to be there. I was supposed to go today at lunch, but after not hearing anything last night, I decided that it would be a waste. I didn’t get into bed until 11:15 and was so wound up I didn’t sleep until well after that. When I go clean crazy, I go clean crazy.

Gosh I am tired, today I cleaned both my boss’s office and my cubicle, so I guess the cleaning crazy isn’t quite out of my system yet. I want to sleep so badly that I think that I am going to skip the gym, go home, take a nap, wake up and paint. I am so tired. I have done my best all day at work to stay away from people because I noticed early on that my tongue was not speaking appropriately. It was making all kinds of mean comments that no one wanted to hear. The upside of being tired is that it breaks me down and keeps me really focused on the task at hand. My ability to multi-task goes right out the window. One task only thank-you.

Gosh I am so tired. I am so surprised by my outfit today. Not only did I manage in my tiredness to make it match, it is a new outfit. Well, not really. One of the things I noticed about shopping with my Mom on Saturday was that it doesn’t make any difference what length the pant leg is. I have had this pair of Liz Claiborne pants that I quit wearing because they were too short. They are really fancy and well made. I couldn’t give them to good will they were so fancy. I found this not so dressy, but nice, shirt, white with black ribbon lining around the neck. Between the too short fancy pants and the sort of nice shirt and my way too tall black sandals, I look like a fashion plate. Who would guess? I was so tired this morning; I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to what I was doing. I expected to get to work with a sock attached to my head like in the comics. Thank goodness God dressed me. He did a great job. I am really tired. I feel like how I have seen my brother feel before: when he would get off the bus from Chamblee after being on it for what seemed like forever. He would have to go home and study forever before he’d just konk out. That is what I want to do: Konk out. I am really tired.

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