Friday, June 18, 2004

And you say you had money, you better be sure
'Cause these hard times will drive you from door to door

You know those moments where all the sudden you realize that you are one of those people? You know, those people who always look so stupid going slow in the fast lane. Or those people who just won't get off their cell phone and drive. When you beccome one of those people, it hits you like a ton of bricks and you are embarassed unbelievably so and no one knows except you and the millions of people surrounding you in Atlanta Traffic. My Uncle Oze found it funny my observation/accident traffic last time I was on my way to my parents. I realize why. The thing I don't realize is why these little moments of life happen to me on my way to the folks place. Gosh, today's moment was tough. I was tooling along, windows were down, pony tailed hair flyin away in the wind going 35 miles an hour. I turned on my new Indigo Girls cd and cranked it up. I'm weavin in and out, tryin to see which lane is the best lane to get going in. The fifth song cuts out and all of the sudden I hear a small but rigorously consistent: click, click, blinker has been on the whole cd. Yes, today I was one of those people.

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