Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Larger than life is your fiction
In a universe made up of one

There is a falcon of some sort that has decided to make its self a part of my life. While most birds come and go, i.e. the vultures, cardinals and there is a morning dove that hangs out on occasion out side of my bathroom window. This guy has been at the river for about a week now. He dive bombed my car this morning I guess because I apparently was going to fast for his taste and tried to catch me. So I slowed down and he gave me a look. It was good, because the only other time I have had at him has been underneath from a power line where he was perched. This time I got a good look at the feathers and wing span and everything. He was a little upset and made all kinds of racket as I went on to work. This is the second falcon that has come to visit me. The first one was at John’s farm and he was there for a long time. Probably six months I’d say. Probably because of all the field mice that were readily available. Now it seems as though he has followed me over to my home, but I am sure it is a different bird. He sure is beautiful. He is brown with white markings like spots but longer. His wing span is young for a big bird. By that I mean that it is not nearly what I expect a falcon to have, I’d put money on it that he is still growing and will have those feather tips out six feet in a year or a little short thereof. It’s nice to have visitors. I wonder how long he will stay.

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