Wednesday, May 12, 2004

i come to you with strange fire,
i make an offering of love,
the incense of my soil is burned by the fire in my blood.

So yesterday was super blah. My boss was sick as a dog and finally went to the doctor after severe distaste and harassment by me. Turns out she has a “Serious” case of bronchitis and was perscribed four medicines and a breathing treatment. Imagine that! I couldn’t imagine taking four pills and an inhaler type thing just because I had a crappy cough. She was really sick though and hopefully she will get really better. Then when she left, I ran out of things I wanted to do. This meant that I had to do the things that I didn’t really want to do. Bleck. Then I left early. They are cutting overtime and I already had one hour so I figured, I best leave at four, which I did. It made for a great workout. No one was at the gym and I got to sweat my hiny off on the eliptical machine and bikes. I feel obligated to stay in shape after having to climb the pasture mountain. There would be no way that I could have done that had I not been working out all this time. It is encouraging to know that all this working out is of use. From there I went to visit with my girlfriend and her dogs. I love German Shepherds. Or at least I love her German Shepherd. I used to think that I would get a mini Yorky, but now I think I dreaming towards a shepherd once I get a house. They are so trainable and so loveable and so friend like. From there I went to dinner with John and David. David is John’s friend who took us to see Andy Stanley on Sunday and will probably become more a part of my life seeing as he is a newly single Dad who has two girls. He has aked for some help seeing as the girls are nine and four and whenever he talks about the nine year old, beads of sweat form on his brow due to knowing about the next couple of years. I told him I would love to participate in their lives if he needed me. My life seems calm and almost dull after the Sunday rush. Maybe I am just suffering from the downside of the adrenanline. I don’t know, but I hope that things are super perky today, rain and all. I like thunderstorms, although they make me want to curl up with a book and go to sleep. Sometimes they can be exciting when the lights go out though. Lack of power being the dilemma is funny. Its like watching ants when you step on their hill. AHH!! Workworkworkworkwork.

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