Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I own my insecurities
I try to own my destiny

So last night on my heady list of to-do, I initiated the course of action to a happier healthier me. I finished the fax, updated all the reports, cleaned the desk off and out, collected the laundry and laundry stuff, got the detergent, got the twenty dollars of quarters, went to the mat and washed the clothes and attempted to wash the car, took the garbage down and as an added bonus swept and mopped the kitchen floor, and cleaned out the area around the wood burning stove. I also watched parts of a movie last night. It was called the Cooler, and was actors acting for each other type movie. Usually, that makes for a really neat movie, but this time the movie was so slow that I could watch the movie with out really watching the movie. So I put away clothes and set up for my morning. So that leaves me with today which is to clean out from behind the couch, put stuff for goodwill in the trunk, yoga it at home, pull out the furniture from the bedroom in order to paint, begin painting, oh, and vacuum. I noticed yesterday that there were no lines in my carpet and typically that is one of the many signs of my unmanageable life. The other sign is when I can’t see the floor boards of my car, which up until yesterday was true. This morning the floor boards were vacuumed and like new. I get so antsy and out of place when the little things are rocked. I think it is part of the obsession that comes with me. I would much rather that obsession is on the floor boards of my car than on the drink. Oh what stresses I have in my life when my life takes a hold of me.

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