Monday, May 17, 2004

'Cause I'm a train wreck waiting to happen/
Waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks

So this weekend came and went and I think I missed it. Actually, I think that I have missed my life since last Thursday. Yes, Thursday was the last day that I was in touch with my life. So to make amends to myself, today I am not going to answer the phone, not going to the gym, not going to email, not going to socialize in any since and turn into a loner in order to get back to the routine and discipline that I need in order to not go crazy. I have several topics on the agenda for the day: finish the fax day, update reports, clean the desk off and out, collect laundry and laundry stuff, go get stain remover and more detergent, twenty dollars worth of quarters, go to the laundry mat and wash clothes and car, yoga it at home, clean out space behind couch, take garbage down, put stuff for goodwill in the trunk, pull out furniture in bedroom, begin to paint bedroom, be in bed by ten o’clock.

Saw TROY this weekend, pretty good. Started off as a B rated, 1970’s Shakespeare movie and then the actors appeared and it clicked into gear. There were beautiful shots of Brad’s bod, which should be a requirement for his films since he possesses a body like that. He played the part of a part Greek god, which he did really well, didn’t seem to be that far away from reality if you ask me. Story was terrific and the fights were great. Overall, good movie, Gladiator was better though.

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