Tuesday, May 11, 2004

i seem to recognize your face
haunting, familiar, yet i can't seem to place it…..

So my girlfriend calls me last night in a panic. She feels that her life is in shambles and she can’t escape. Boy have I been here before. I hate it when I feel like I just can’t put a sentence together. So initially, the night meant her staying the night with me in order that she gets away from the boyfriend. The boyfriend is not a bad person; their life is just confusing right now. I can totally relate. I have been in the exact same feelings with John. So we cracked on men for a while, complained about women stuff, loved our innate femininity and ate comfort food. The real thing that happened last night was the girl talk, the bonding and the love that happens between women who share experience. Inevitably what always happens is exactly what is supposed to happen: that once the middle of the night rears its ugly head and tears are done falling, confusion is finished fogging and that mind set of home seems so comforting, she left to return to her home and stayed in her bed and loved her boyfriend. Amazing. She and I are so similar in the things we feel and say. We seem to have almost a parallel existence although there are different events within each of our lives. I really like having my girlfriends and don’t know what I would do without them. The main resolve that I came out of the whole evening with was that John is the best boyfriend in the whole world, I have the greatest apartment ever and I have a really great life. I don’t know if she got all that, but I did.

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