Friday, January 23, 2004

Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Can you take me with you?
For my hand is cold,
And needs warmth,
Where are you going?

So last night I painted. I have started a shrine type looking thing. Actually, I wouldn’t call it a shrine per se. I would call it a meditation device that allows me time with God and the ability to be me. Anyway, I obviously don’t know how to explain it. AH ha! In the days of Robin of the Hood, the nobles had their own chapels to pray in, where they gathered all different personal items to better commune with God: ie someone’s hair that had passed or was at war, paintings of the Mother Mary, candles, etc. These havens allowed them to pray with out disturbance (and for the church to make a buck or two). This is what I have created in my home: a miniature personal prayer chapel (but I don’t have to give the Pope jack). My point is that I added some new paintings and pictures to it last night while watching, but not watching, Practical Magic. I really should quit renting that and buy it. I built a beautiful fire too. Dinner was tuna and there was good phone time with Michelle. I am doing some uncovering, discovering and discarding through answering a whole bunch of questions in this therapy-type book. It is supposed to increase my emotional balance and my sanity in general. Right now, I think I am in DT’s. They aren’t easy questions to answer and then to discuss that with another person is hard. Once I am done though, I know that I will be better. I am hoping that I will be more……….. not so insane about people, when I am done. I have a tendency to obsess on others and not leave it up to God. The process of the book is to untie those worries and allow my faith in God to do the work. Weirdness happened after that though. I said my prayers and read a chapter in the Bible (Lot’s wife now season’s food) and snuggled into my down comforter wrapped in a flannel duvet. I awoke in the middle of the night to total lack of use of my arms from the elbows down. My arms were tucked up into my arm pits and I couldn’t do anything with them. Between being half asleep and having total loss of control of my arms, I was totally confused. Needless to say I was totally awake for about what felt half an hour trying to get my hand back to normal. It was those tingles that get me. I think it is due to the amount of data entry I have been doing for the past several days. My hands went on strike. Didn’t work though: I am on the s’s.

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