Tuesday, January 13, 2004

To be weakened like achilles
With you always at my heels

Yeah, so I am trying the whole Atkins type diet deal thing. I called a friend of mine and asked him how he lost all of his weight. He said that he ate an apple for breakfast, a grilled chicken salad for lunch, maybe a sandwich for dinner, tried to stay with in 30 carbs a day and didn’t eat after eight o’clock. This seemed simple enough to me. Oh, and by the way, take a multi-vitamin too, he says. He also said that he ran everyday. Yeah, I can do that too. So yesterday was my third day on this crazy diet. Now, I have never been on a diet before. I tried to once when I was fourteen and my Dad sat me down and we had a long talk about anorexia and bulimia and that I wasn’t allowed to diet until after I was out of his house. Seemed fine to me; I just would only eat the things that were on my diet. I ended up being at the dinner table forever until I finally gave in, got hungry and ate. I have never bothered to try a diet since. Well, now I am twenty seven….. I am twenty seven…… and I am “pushing” thirty which is when my metabolism slows down. I hopped on the scales at Mama’s house and decided I didn’t like the number I saw. I decided to that it was time, time for the diet. I also wanted to get back into exercising any way because I have been out of it since Christmas due to the membership being up. So I tried this prescription that had worked so well for my friend.

I almost lost it…..literally my little bit of lunch that I had in my system. It turns out that when going through the process of dropping your carbohydrates, you have to a) drink lots of water and b) be prepared for sugar withdrawals. Now, I have been through several different types of withdrawals, but all under the pretense that I knew they were setting in on me. He didn’t tell me about a or b and I thought I was losing my mind. Finally, I gave in (after I was so dizzy that I reached a state of nausea) and ate a bag of chips. Someone told me I should have just stuck a piece of chocolate in my mouth and it would have been quicker, but my head was screaming not on your life. So instead of having 30 carbs yesterday, I had 50. Today I am back to 30 and I also understand why the water is so important. The water does two things: makes you feel full; flushes the acid out of your system that holds the fat from being broken down into the sugars that your body needs in order to process since I am not eating them anymore. My girlfriend, the nurse, said it was called Ketosis a.k.a. starvation mode in body language. She also said that women’s bodies are different from men’s and that really, 30 is too low for a long term, but for short term it was okay. She said that her husband actually only starts the low carb on the weekends because of the third day hit. She says that it always hits on the third day. Blthhhhppt.

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