Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Influenza, or flu, is a respiratory infection caused by a variety of flu viruses. The most familiar aspect of the flu is the way it can “knock you off your feet” as it sweeps through entire communities. The flu differs in several ways from the common cold, a respiratory infection also caused by viruses. For example, people with colds rarely get fevers or headaches or suffer from the extreme exhaustion that flu viruses cause.
--NIH Dec 03

Yeah so I have been exposed over and over to the flu in the past several weeks. I got it. Or at least I think I did. I definitely have a respiratory something combined with headaches from almighty that cut right through 550mg Naproxen and body achage that makes me tired. Mostly, I just want to sleep. However, luckily, after my Novocain wore off from the dentist, I came to the conclusion that something was definitely wrong and I needed help. Now, I work in a pharmacy, but it is a pharmacy that does injections only. I don’t do injections. So I went to see an apothecary and he hooked me up with antibiotics, decongestants and a pain blocker. I still want to sleep. I get periods of the “oh I feel better” and then I go do something only to find that “oh I don’t feel so much better” followed by the “I want to sleep” again. I was hoping for a cure all, but my girlfriend who is an RN says no such luck. She says that I will just have to feel bad until I feel better. Ugh.

I have started to read the Bible. I have always heard of people reading it from cover to cover, but I have never actually done it myself. I am in Genesis, obviously, just finishing chapter 4. So far I have come to find that originally, Adam and Eve were not human, but God made them human to pay for their disobedience. I have discovered that if they had eaten another piece they would have acquired all the abilities and knowledge of God and to prevent that, God ousted them, and many other interesting tidbits that make the Bible more biblical. I guess I just assumed that it was a bunch of stories conglomerated to say love God, but there seems to be more. There has got to be more. Anyway, I am reading a chapter a night. I figure that I will get all the way through in five years or so. I am also reading Anne of Avonlea on the side. She is so cool. My boss had some Anne dolls brought back from Nova Scotia and gives them to her girls for Christmas when they are old enough to take care of them. An Anne doll? Who’d guess? Anne is already my friend though; I don’t need a physical representation when she is in my heart. The nice thing about being ill is that you get so tired you don’t want to get out of bed, but you are so achy that you can’t sleep, which provides for a good deal of reading time. My evening consisted of reading until I got tired of the subject and moving on to the next book. So really, I have my head in five books right now. Who would ever know that I would grow up and be a reader, but my Mom is a reader so maybe that is where I get it or maybe the reading bug is a virus like the flu and is a temporary visitor until I feel better.

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