Monday, April 03, 2006

Shaved legs, painted toes and short skirts: Spring is here. Thank goodness. The whole spring forward is very warping to the mind, body and soul, but who would guess it would cause a tornado warning? Guess God got warped out too! Tornado was what I awoke to this morning. I thought my apartment was going to cave in and turns out it was a spring shower bringing me May flowers. I had quite a thematic weekend, can ya tell? It was enegizing and refreshing all the way around.

First things first, the movies were firing with teeny boppedness. I watched a personal favorite of mine from Netflix: Some kind of Wonderful. Great 80's kick off. Then on the girls night out with Grace & Sherry there was She's the Man. It was funny but terrifyingly bad and all about the teeny bopperness. Spending time with girlfriends was great. Then to round it out, Netflix sent me another oldy but goody: St. Elmo's Fire. I think I like the movie so much because I can relate.

Finally, there was the rearranging of the closet. It was not an easy task to find something in my closet that was eighty degrees during the day and forty at night. It took some work to get to my khakis and short sleeves, but they have been unearthed. Today I am in my famous black flowered skirt my Mom got me from New York City and purple sleevless top with a black cashmere sweater to throw over my shoulders in air conditioning and evenings. Yesterday for church is was a long, light black and tan skirt with sandals and sleeveless hepburn necked cotton top. Huzzah.

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