Monday, April 17, 2006

Life is short, Pray hard

80 degrees and sneezing is how I woke this morning. My AC is still out because I have not called the landlord until now and I had my windows open thinking it would cool off last night. WRONG. Stupid Spring. It never can make up its mind to be rain or summer or pollenated or what. I could have sworn that God gave Carter the allergies and me the glasses. I don't know how I ended up with some allergies. I wonder if that means that he will end up with crazy sight in his elder years.

Went to the future mother-in-laws and spent thursday through sunday. She intoduced me to everyone (even if I had met them previously) as her soon to be daughter! YIPE (fear) She is so excited because she has never gotten to be a part of a wedding before, which to me was sad because she has three children, two who have all been married. I am glad that she wants to be a part of all of it and is so proud to have me as a part of her family. YIPE (fear) It was a good visit, but very exhausting. (fears and yipes are exhausting to not express and wait until an appropriate time to express them) I am tired from smiling and trying to politely say, um well maybe not so much with wedding thoughts. For example NO WAY to frozen bunt cakes for a grooms cake, politely. YIPE.

See regular family to me is a bit scary so new family who I don't know at all make me flee from my skin. I didn't know this was going to happen, this fear of future family, but I hope God removes it quickly.

Removes the fear and the allergies.

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