Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It was a good day because something got done!

It is amazing how hard work and a little luck will get you places. I say luck even though I don't believe in it, but I am sure you understand. Today has been one of those days that I need every once in a while to remind me why I like my job and why I like myself. I didn't used to like myself, but today is another story. I took care of fifty gozillion things today. They were all bits and pieces that needed to be cleaned up and got cleaned up. That is so empowering. It is like when I get my whole house clean just in time to go out of town so when I come back it is sparkling and inviting and homey which is so nice after a long trip. I am revving up for my first concert that will make or break me. Or at least I think it will make or break me. Maybe it won't break me at all, but it is going to WEAR ME OUT. I am excited. Someone told me yesterday that this job is all about my personality. I think that is partially true. I think it is also about what I like to do which makes my emphasis go up. I hated working for someone else to sell a product that was simple. I hated dealing with complaints from all around the world and processing them throughout a plant. I hated...loved...hated...burned out on waiting tables. Some days I still think I can do it, but the truth is that I can only do it at one place if I ever do it again. Besides, thirty year olds, waiting tables is not pretty to me any more. Not that some people are okay with it, I am not okay with it for me. This job is six months in and I still like it. Who would guess? I really like it that things got done. It is a good day.

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