Friday, April 07, 2006

Theological Rhetoric

I have finally finished the book of Luke and am not into the second small section of John. Matthew was verbatim talk, talk, talk of Christ, Christ, Christ. Mark had the secret identity of Peter and now Luke knows everything there was to know about the life, death and resurrection of Christ and kept writing and kept writing and kept writing. I wasn't really sure that I was ever going to get through Luke and then then last section was more like: and they lived happily ever after. He's a nut! Now I am beginning with John who IS NOTHING LIKE THE OTHER BOOKS. How is it that there are the first three who by the time I got to Luke knew pretty much what he was going to say because they were so similar and John is just out here on his own like a ship lost at sea. John just freaks me out with divination. I feel like I open the book and the heavens should open and sunlight shines down on me and a chorus of angels singing starts and when I close the book they go away again into darkness. It is very etherial. You think I am kidding, but have you really seen the way he writes? Good grief. Christ went from being this everyday kinda guy who I totally relate to and love, to this untouchable being of light who might melt me if I touch Him and am not sure that if I ran into Him would even consider Him a co-host to the David Copperfield show. I hope this book gets better. I mean I get that Christ is born of Man and God. I get that, but being a human and all, wasn't the idea to connect with us? I wonder if maybe John didn't write Revelations. That book scares me too. For no other reason than lack of comprehension and tens of thousands of people trying to comprehend it and tell me about it. SCARY. I don't care about the dadgum thing. It is nonsensical so leave it that way and accept it. Anyway, let's hope that John doesn't scare me into not reading any more and tames out a bit.

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