Monday, April 18, 2005

Weekend Report

I am officially tan. It is such a hoot. I went to my girlfried who owns a personal salon and she sprayed my tan. It is the craziest thing I have ever done. I recognize this makes me the most conservative person you have ever met, but it is the truth. The only time I have ever been considered tan was when I lifeguarded at the pool for a summer and had lifeguarded at a camp the summer prior. Two lovely summers of tan. Any other time in my life I have been about the color of a lobster. Never the color of a bean, but this weekend I walked into the salon alabaster and came out alabaster, but eight hours later was tan. Aparently the stuff she sprayed me with works with my amino acids in my skin and actually turns the pigment colors. If you looked at me, you would not know I was tan, but I know that I am tan and that is all that matters. If I forget that I am tan, all I have to do is look at my tan lines. Yes, I have tan lines.

Other than that, I layed out at Megan's house and read in my Harry Potter book. I went to get sprayed (although I should say ahead of time, I went with Megan thinking she was going to get sprayed not me, turns out we both got sprayed). I played golf. Well, I went to the driving range. There was a nice man there who came over after watching me swing and asked to see my clubs. He said that I was gripping the club too tightly. Turns out my grips are cracked and need to be "regripped." Didn't know there was such a thing. My friend Tony used to do that at a shop he owned in Florida and so he is "regripping" my three little clubs that I was using to practice with in exchange for a casserole. I am going to make my Mom's famous chicken casserole tonight and take it to him. He is a batchelor so a casserole will feed him for a week, he said. I have blisters on my hands from driving the ball almost two hundred yards. Okay, so that only happened once. I hit the 175 sign. Luck, it's a great thing. My red blush from playing golf under my sprayed tan gave it quite an authenticity I wasn't planning.

Saturday night I got some bad news that one of the women I know was dying in Stephens County Hospital from where her liver quit. She apparently had Hep C on top of being a former drunk and even though she hadn't taken a drink in over a year, it was too late. Sunday morning she passed away. She was a lovely woman who drove the carriages in Helen. On Saturday nights while we were in the church she would take the children and drive them around so they wouldn't get in the way or into trouble.

Sunday morning John and I went to breakfast with his youngest son and some other friends. He made a 1750 on the new psat. I have no idea if that is good or not, but seeing as the highest is 2400, it sounded pretty good. He is on track to have a load of AP courses by his senior year. He is currently a sophomore and the diploma he is earning is a duel seal. That means that he has taken all of the technical course for trade schools and the like as well as all the course for the "college track." Basically, it is supposed to prepare him for Georgia Tech. He wants to go to either Virginia Tech or Georgia Tech and I have been encouraging him to apply at MIT too. I figure it can't hurt to apply. It was strange hearing someone say they made a 1750. My head said "WOW, Smart Guy!" In reality, it might be just above average.

Sunday afternoon I went to Megan's Mary Kay party. I spent too much money. I always spend too much money. I spent $10 more than I told myself I could spend, but I got something for free! From there I went to the flower shop to meet up with Sherry to pull weeds out of her front flower bed. Then we went walking at the walking track in Sautee. Her kids played on the playground while we walked. She actually made it an extra lap that I didn't make. I was so sore from hitting so many golf balls I just didn't think I would make it. From there we went to the Mexican restaurant in Clarkesville for dinner where we met up with my John and her husband Craig. It was a good dinner and a good end to a long day. I watched Ocean's 12 when I got home. That is such a good movie. They both are good movies (11 & 12). The actors look like they are having so much fun and blend so well together.

Today it was back to work. I felt bad for my apartment when I left this morning. It looked like a tornado hit it. I am going to have to spend the afternoon cleaning it (and it may take all afternoon to do it!). There were clothes everywhere and my dishwasher was full screaming "START ME PLEASE!" and my trash is ready to go out too. It will all be done this afternoon. I can only stand uncleanliness for about twelve hours and I lose it. So this afternoon I will super clean.

Thank goodness for 70 degree weather with no humidity. It makes a weekend good.

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