Wednesday, April 20, 2005


The interview is over. I went to this interview in someone else's suit because I didn't feel comfortable in any of my clothes. I took advice from every person who would give it to me. I have been going nuts since Monday in total panic that I would screw this up. I didn't screw it up after all. I did go in and was honest and sincere and answered the questions to the best of my ability. I did have questions for them and presented myself in an orderly, professional manner. And it is over. NOW I can clean my house and do my laundry. I did take out my trash and turn on the dishwasher. Thank goodness for dishwashers. Now I can go back to normal.

How did it go? There were 70 applicants and two days worth of interviews (10-15 interviews). They will narrow it to 5 by next week where I will interview with the President. At that time then we shall see about the job. I interview well there is no question about that. If there is anything I do well it is talk. The woman who entered after me looked just as capable as myself and tells me that they have their work cut out for them. I am just glad it is over. AND I won't know squat until Friday.

This real life thing is time consuming. I sent in a resume only to wait for a month to be called and wait a week for an interview where I have to wait another week for another interview to tell me if I get to have a new job. GOOD GRIEF. In the old world that I have come to find was not real, I walked in and said you need help, I need a job, to which they responded: When can you start? None of this patience or waiting thing. It is so exhasperating to be an adult.

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