Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Take the last train to Clarksville
And I'll meet you at the station,
You can be there by four thirty,
Cause I made your reservation...

Yesterday folks were walkin' in Clarkesville! Wow! The middle school track team, the elderly, the construction worker, the girlfriends and the runners were RUNNNING (say this last word as though from Greensboro, Al-LA-BAMA!). It was amazing how busy the city park was. There were children on the play sets, in the trees, by the river. There were single walkers, friends, co-workers, team mates, coaches, work out buddies, the guy who had the heart attack and his doctor told him to start walking, and the couple who is trying to be healthy. There were parents everywhere keeping one eye on the child and the other on the track. The walking path at Pitts Park is one third of a mile so three laps and you've got it made. The convienent play ground in the center of the track makes it a cake walk to see the kids and get the excercise. The kids like it because all of their friends are there and the adults like it because all their friends are there also! It is a true place of community. My girlfriend Sherry invited me to go walking with her Michelle down at the park and how exciting it was. I felt a part of/ a member of my little city. It was great fun and healthy too. Who would guess that I would find those two together again?

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