Thursday, March 17, 2005

So the other night, I decided that I should be proactive about my diet again. I am still in my competition, but I don't think that I will win. The other two who are losing the weight are apparent in their weight loss. So I thought I would give it another try. I tried to cook chicken and was miserable at it. Then I decided that it didn't make any difference what kind of soap went in the dishwasher. So between the smoke alarm going off and bubbles flowing out of the dishwasher, I looked about like Lucille Ball. While I wanted to scream "Ricky!!!"I realized there was no such person in my life. It was a regular episode, full of laughter and insanity.

Then I decided that I would do it right last night. I went back to the grocery store and purchase MORE chicken and this time remembered to pick up dishwashing stuff. I called my Mom and asked her how she cooked her chicken. I followed the instructions explicitly. Then I turned on the dishwasher with no bubbles. I was so tickled by the successes, I even threw in a load of laundry. How many machines can you run at one time? While the chicken was baking, I went and picked up my mail. I brought back three movies: CaddyShack, Empire of the Sun (I don't have any idea why I don't own this one) and Hope and Glory. I threw in CaddyShack as it was the only one I hadn't seen. It was okay for a funny movie. I am not a funny movie fan, but after working on a golf course, I thought maybe that would be one I would make me laugh. It didn't, but that is okay, at least now I can catch the jokes that pass between my friends who are golfers. I felt better because I was not Lucy last night, I was Rachel.

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