Thursday, March 31, 2005

...there's just enough of you in me that I can have some sympathy...

My mom called...I haven't blogged in forever. I am actually working for once and have little time this week at work. Medicaid has my office under investigation and no one knows why. But they are coming and the owner has hired really expensive lawyers out of Texas to come help us out. So lawyers will be here first next week and then Medicaid will be here. They are putting these poor people in the basement with me. I have finally gotten used to being alone and they are moving people in with me! Honestly. The rain today drove the sales people all into the office so I have been doubled up on work because everybody needs something.

Last night I went to the Episcopal Church again. I hadn't seen those folks since the deer. I actually went the long way to get there instead of the road where I hit the deer and I think that from now on I will take the time to go that way. It is better lit and has more travelers. I was so grateful to see those people. I felt like I had come home. I have been traveling so much in the past two weeks and will be traveling again next weekend, that I have felt a bit off kilter. I needed to be a part of again. It grounds me. There is something about being atoned that makes all the difference in the world. Now I know why the Bible says when two or more of you gather in my name I am there. It feels different than just praying on my own. It feels more like I get in touch with God. Dad is rolling his eyes at me about now. But that is just how I see it or feel it.

John has been out of town since Tuesday. He went quail hunting in South Georgia with a friend. He shot about 65 quail. I don't know if that's good, but it sounds good. It sounds like a rich man's sport to me. I haven't ever really understood the whole hunting thing in general, but up here there is not a man who doesn't hunt and or fish. Guns are something I have gotten used to and I am not sure if I am comfortable with that or not. There is definitely a desensitization going on though. I am glad that he is coming home. I miss him.

I am looking forward to a spiritual retreat on the 8th through the 10th. It is at Rock Eagle and I am running one of the seminars on spiritual pricipals. There are 12, just like everything else: 12 steps, 12 traditions, even 12 concepts. I am working with someone I have never met. I am excited. It is an hour and a half long so I am thinking of breaking it down into two 40 min sessions with a ten minute break. One think I have learned over the years is that the brain can only handle what the butt can take, so I am giving them a break after a bit. An hour and a half is about thirty minutes to long for me. I am excited because Meg is going with me. Iris is going to a sitter's house and Meg and I are going to Rock Eagle. Hurray! It will be great fun. There are lots of other women that I know who are going too, so that makes it the most fun.

Okay, back to work...ugh...

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