Friday, March 18, 2005

I started thinking about the last posting, I posted that there were two ha-ha's and a miracle. The first ha-ha was the burned chicken. The second ha-ha was the bubbling dishwasher. Their coincidence was not the miracle though. I forgot to tell you the miracle. Even though I have given up on my $500 winnings (latest news on that is that the girl who is winning made a deal with her folks and she is paying $250 a month on a trainer and they are matching every dollar she spends so she is going twice a week to a trainer and five times a week to do cardio! So total spending monies will eclipse the winnings! Whatever!!!! I am not that stupid. I will suck it up and lose the $50 bucks I bet on!) , I made a concession in my diet. It is the miracle: I am eating vegetables. Can you believe it? I haven't eaten vegetables ever. I eat corn (which has little to no nutritional value whatsoever however is one of the largest produced veggie in America!) and lettuce on my good days. NO LONGER! I am an official raw-broccoli-and-carrots eater.

Now that I have shared with you my miracle, I will also say this about today's miracle:

Congratulations Pam & Bill on the birth of your daughter, Kate!

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