Friday, December 10, 2004

There is no rose of such virtue as is the rose that made Jesus...

I went to my Dad’s high school chorus concert last night, I began to think:

When I was growing up I had no idea Dad had such capability. Mostly, I was selfish and self centered to the core and the only thing I noticed about my Dad was that he told me “no” when I wanted to hear “yes.” I couldn’t see it then, but his “no's” saved my life many times. Now that I am of the age of awareness and am praying for removal of my character defects, there is a strange effect produced. This effect has been told to me is a spiritual experience. The side effects are awareness of “God things” and “God people” in my life and gratitude for those “God things and people”. My Dad is a completely a man of God. My Dad wanted to be a minister of music since he was thirteen. I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up and I am twenty-eight, or as my boyfriend teases me: "pushing" thirty. When my Dad had a life change about the time I was almost thirteen, I took it to heart and was hurt. I had no idea how hurt he was too. Change is hard for everyone, I guess. I also did not know that he was being pruned for the life he leads today. If the point is that we grow along spiritual lines, my father has done just that. While my Father does not "preach" the gospel of Christ, he is an example of living in faith. As a result, he is able to counsel those who need help and is able to guide and shape lives of youth for the betterment of their own lives...through music. Webster's says that a minister is someone who gives aid or service to someone else. My father has always been a man of God and is now a minister of youth through music. Not many people are able to live their dreams out. My Dad has done just that. Oh, my Dad is a genius, which always helps. Genius, according to Webster’s is: a: a single strongly marked capacity or aptitude, b: extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity. This is my Dad. Not many people are capable of having a father like that. Thank God that I do. Thank God that I am able and aware to see (and hear) that today. Thanks for the great performance Dad. It was magnificent.

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