Tuesday, December 21, 2004

He loves me, he loves me not, he lovesme, he loves me not, HE LOVES ME!

Well, I figure Christina writes about her boyfriend all the time it is okay for me to write about mine! He was so sweet yesterday. I just couldn't get over it. He called me up to go to dinner. He came and got me. He stopped by my girlfriend's house to drop off gifts. He sat with me to eat dinner and talked of fine things. He is still trying to figure out in his head the concept of Tivo and whether it would now be worth his time to get tv. He pampered me and sweet talked me. He took me to meet with our friends and we sat and talked about God. Then he took me to Wally world seeing as I needed Christmas cards (which there were only two choices of!) and Special K. Then he took me home and whispered sweet nothings in my ear and kissed me goodnight. What a wonderful man to take me on a date in the middle of the week. I am a lucky woman in love.

Aw, you had no idea I was a sap? Well now you do!

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