Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Rain, Rain,
Go away,
Come again another day……

It rained. No snow. It rained. It rained a lot. If it had been snow, I would be cozied up by a fire in my apt right now reading Muddhouse Sabbath, but no! It was three degrees too warm and we have really wet roads with kitty litter all over them (which I think might be more dangerous than ice to drive though!). I don’t know how people don’t believe in God: I mean the weather man can’t predict the weather so that in its self tells me that God is in charge! I am really sad that there is not any snow. We need a good snow.

My girlfriend had her birthday last night (she is two!) and her speaker didn’t show, so I got to tell my story. It is a big deal to tell your story in my world and I haven’t done it in a while. There is something relieving about telling the truth to a group of people. While my story is not the most crucial or life threatening, it has weight and value and is worth telling on occasion. Tom says that if each person could write like Emerson or William James that their personal story would be a best seller. I think he is write: I mean right. I think that people’s lives and the perspectives that each holds, makes for completely interesting tales. It was a very cathartic experience. There were not very many people there due to the increment weather, however, it was a comfortable crowd and I didn’t have to stand up for it or wear a dress(mostly because I didn’t know it was going to happen), so it was nice. There was ice cream cake afterwards too, which always makes things delightful.

I didn’t make a fire last night because it was so warm. I was also extremely tired after the whole story telling. I was in bed and done with reading by ten fifteen and away in sleepy land. I have been reading about Rachel and Jacob. Last night was the chapter on the twelve tribes. I thought that the tribes were from Leah and it turns out they are from a variety of women, one of which was Rachel. She only got to bare one son so far: Joseph. God overlooked her because Jacob loved her so much more than Leah. It is amazing the things that happen as a result of self will. God says here’s a great wife for you and us humans say: nope I want her sister. So when we have two wives, He blesses the one he wants to bless. Although, I think there is some significance to Rachel only having two children, we are just not told what that is. In the fictional novel I read, Rachel was a midwife as a result of her bareness. What a gift to have in place of the status of actual child bearing one’s self. But the Bible is not as creative, just the facts ma’am. Rachel also sells off her turn with Jacob for mandrakes to Leah. It turns out that mandrakes are a narcotic thought to bring on conception and they are pretty. They look just like the ones in Harry Potter that are used for de-petrification. The next time around though, when it was her turn, sure enough she had Joseph. The Bible is much more interesting than I thought it was going to be.

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