Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I come with a softer answer
To the questions that lie in your path

What did I do, what did I do? Well, I worked like a mad woman and by five o’clock, work became a four letter word. There are just days like that I know, but when I am caught up in the drudgery of a task (more data entry) sometimes I feel like the hour will never come. Today is not so bad. I think it is because most of the people are gone today. Yesterday, everyone was here and the place was like a hive. The monotony was just as loud as the business of everyone around me.

Then I went grocery shopping. It is so frustrating to me to go shopping with out a list. So I try to keep a list handy, but then when I get to the store I end up with everything on the list and then some. I think that I get that from my Dad. Growing up, Dad would do the grocery shopping on his day off, Tuesday, and he would take a list, but he’d also get what ever he wanted too. We’d end up with things like Marshmallow Pinwheels or Ho-Ho’s or something (those waffle cookies with the stuff in between them). The list Dad took was the most specific grocery list in the history of grocery lists. It was the foods that our family ate according to the aisles at Cub Foods. We could make and x or circle what we needed and if we wanted to be specific, we had to right it in red pencil out to the side and if it was illegible then it was un-buyable. He would get home just prior to dinner chores yet in time for the boredom of some random homework assignment to have set in on my brain so that everyone could help carry in the bags from the store. Dad couldn’t stand for others to bag our groceries and he even taught me how to bag groceries. The Ingles baggers drive me up a wall because they use all plastic and put one item in a bag. I had three people ask me if I wanted help at the Clarkesville Ingles and the manager finally came over and asked me if I was from Atlanta. That is such a Dad trait: bagging my own groceries. I can get it in my car and my house better though when I do it. Inevitably, when Dad came in with groceries it was just in time for Fluffy to have a new can of food. Fluffy was the one member of the family who couldn’t mark his food so on occasion there would be the random stop by Cub specifically for Fluff on the way out to Wednesday night church. Poor Fluff. He was crazy.

Grocery shopping was good. I spent more than I wanted which is typical. Then I went to take my garbage down and went to meet with friends and talk about God. It was nice. I came home to make a fire and read. I read that Joseph is manipulating his brothers. Ben got caught with the silver cup and what to do is the cliff hanger for the next chapter. I read a little in a work book of mine and crashed out. I think my life is getting simpler than it used to be. The Bible is also more interesting than it used to be. I hope that happens to other texts.

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