Thursday, February 19, 2004

Good Day Sun Shine!!!

Wow, you’d think it was spring. I know that all this sunshine has given me the hee-bee-gee-bee’s. I want to go running or play or something. Instead I am stuck working like an adult! Ugh! You’d never believe it is 65 degrees outside when it was 25 at my house this morning with such a hard frost on the ground and on my car that you would think it was the dead of winter. Now it is just past noon and you’d think it was May. I want to run and play and shop and swim. I know that it is not about what I want, but what I am willing to change. I need a job that is play for me. Like being a professional movie critic or a permanent camp counselor or a teacher. My first test to get into NGU is in April. I hope that I do okay on it. I took a practice test on the net the other day and made a 75. For no preparation and no idea what I was doing, I felt like it was a place to start. I have to take two tests: Praxis and GMAT. I hope that I do okay on them. I hate tests.

Holy cow, they’re playing the music from Tron on my all day movie music station. Tron is one of the all-time greatest movies ever. I would even say that it makes the Green family favorite list (for no other reason than how many times our family has seen it!).

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