Monday, February 16, 2004

Love, Love, Love, Love, Love………..

So this weekend was delightful. On Friday I had a dinner date with my friend Peter. He and I went to the Mexican restaurant. I didn’t get off work until 6:45pm on Friday because I was doing courier work that took me to the Atlanta Speedway, south of Atlanta in the middle of afternoon traffic. It was awful. I don’t know that I will say yes to that again. I like to help when I can, but I had no idea it was going to eat into my Friday night! No one bothered to offer that info either so that I would do the task. But things turned out for the best. Normally, I have date night with John on Friday’s, however he had a stomach bug and was not up to it (neither was I to hang out with someone who has a stomach bug!). My friend Peter called so we went to Mexican and Wal-Mart. Oh! The excitement of Habersham and White County on a Friday night!

Saturday was all about fun though. I slept in and then headed to the flower shop. Gertie Mae’s was in dire straights for drivers so I told them I would help. She paid for my gas and time, and I ran all over the place with flowers stacked high in my car and chocolates too. It was lots of fun to see folks face when they get flowers. I ended up spending some of the money I made on flowers for me. From there I went and picked up my Valentine making things and headed to my girlfriends’ place to make Valentines and Cookies. Since I don’t know how to bake and they didn’t know how to paint, we both worked on our own but together and made our Valentine treats. It was great fun. The American President was playing in the background to add to the fun. From there, we all went to meet with friends and talk about God and took the treats to all of our friends. It was a terrific treat! Valentines Day is about love and I remember from Sunday-School (and my mind is rusty on this one so it might be wrong) that there are seven types of love. We studied all the different types and such. The real thing that I noticed here lately is that mostly the commercial emphasis is placed on couples (only one type of love). In all reality the day is just about love in general, no matter what the type. So I shared my love for flowers with strangers, my love for friendships and fun to girlfriends and my love for family with my gifts to others. Now, John and I did have dinner on Saturday evening, but we shared it with a couple of friends. It was nice. He gave me a box of chocolates, which was the best gift ever to receive. Anyone who knows me knows that chocolates are an ideal gift. So then, I got to share my love of my life with my boyfriend by spending time alone at the farm with him. It was a perfect ending to a loving and wonderful day. It amazes me that after all this time I still am as in love with him as when we first started dating almost two years ago.

Sunday was veg out and do nothing day. I went and spent some time with an old friend who I hiked with last Sunday. We planned on hiking Duke’s Creek Falls, however it snowed a bit instead. So he got a job at Alice’s and then he rode with me to get movies while it snowed/sleeted/rained and got cold. The cold went well with the vegging out. Cold always compliments a cozy fire and movies. I watched several movies and read several books. I cleaned a little (my house is still in the super clean mode!! Yea Rae’s House!).

Today, I am meeting with friends, going to try to do the Yoga video that I bought on Friday from Wal-Mart and read some more and clean some more. It is easier to keep the house clean once it is clean. I am reading about ten books at once, so I might have to simplify and focus. In the Bible, I am in Egypt and Joseph has laid eyes on his only brother Benjamin, which he was so moved by Ben’s presence that he wept. In Muddhouse, I am still studying about the Sabbath. In Lord of the Rings, I am still in the descriptions and history of the characters. I have a feeling this will last for some time. There are many others on the list, but I won’t go into any more detail. You get the idea. I need to read a bit.

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