Thursday, December 18, 2003

There’s a new kid in down and he’s lying in the manger down the road………

Did you know that only two people have ever gotten off the earth alive and Christ wasn’t one of them?

Well, I heard something I really liked last night and it finally feels like Christmas as a result. I heard that Christ means spiritual truth. Now when I look it up it says:

The Messiah; Jesus; the ideal truth that comes as a divine manifestation of God to destroy incarnate error

I like spiritual truth better. To me, it means that I get to have a piece of God to carry around with me. The celebration of Christmas is about the celebration of a spiritual truth. The thing I find so interesting is that the entire calendar is built on the existence of Christ yet people still doubt. There are several factors that let me know that Christ was here. First, twelve men all said the same thing and didn’t get lost or confused on any of the issues. Second, there are too many documents saying “hey, this is the guy.” There aren’t that many documents that say hey this is the guy for any other human being in history other than Christ. He changed the perception of time and had a major effect on history as a whole. It doesn’t make since that he wasn’t here. He told the truth too. Christ never once preached, he talked and taught. He never taught theology. The only two things he taught is that 1)Love the lord you God with all your Heart, you Soul and Body and 2)Love your neighbor as you do yourself. That is what the season seems to be all about for me. It is about reaffirming these spiritual truths. It’s the anniversary of beginning of the spirit.

The other thing I heard that I really liked is that if you are a betting man and you bet there is a God and there isn’t, you lose nothing. However, if you bet that there isn’t a God and there is, you’re really in for it.

Whatever is whatever, I just am excited that my big brother is going to have another birthday.

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