Friday, September 26, 2003

The place where you hold me
Dark in a pocket of truth

So yesterday was a bad day. Today I feel much better. By the end of the day yesterday was a better day. I couldn't figure out what set off the crazies, but now I know. Today is layoff day here in the button factory. When I come in, if I come in, on Monday there will be people missing. It is about as specific as throwing darts at balloons to win a doll at the county fair. There is no rhyme or reason as to why one person gets it and the other doesn't. I asked if I would be one of the many and was told that even if I am, the temp agaency would re-place me immediately somewhere else, unlike others who won't have that opportunity and that there was no way to know what will happen. I think, I will never know, that the crazies were insued by the amount of fear that is lingering in the air. I went and talked with Michelle yesterday and she always has wonderful things to say ie God is my employer and God is bigger than Scovill, God has a plan for me and not to question it. I always feel better after I talk with her. Then I went to the gym.

This was my fifth day this week for the gym and the end of my third week. I was exhausted. I have been trying to do five to six days a week. So far I have been meeting my goal. Yesterday, I asked for help. I went to the guy who sold me the membership, who is also a friend and asked for help. I told him that in three months I wanted to be beautiful (John says that's impossible because I already am beautiful! Isn't that the sweetest thing you have ever heard!). So now I have a rigorous workout plan that is probably going to tear me apart, however, I will have the body I want. He said that in three weeks my body should be used to it and be okay..........three weeks. What he was telling me I am going to be in pain for the next three weeks. Oh well, I am willing. Besides it is not like I am doing something wrong, so mentally I will be okay and spiritually too. Soon, I will be okay physically! Hurray for Rae and God in improving the physical nature of her spiritual being. I heard an interesting comment the other day saying that we are not physicals trying to have a spiritual experience, rather spiritual beings having a physical experience. I liked it. I don't know if I believe it or not, but I liked the idea of it.

Gosh, today is just such a new day. I am so thankful. I feel ten times better. The only thing that is bothering me today is my allergy to ragweed. Unfortunately, just like in times of insanity when this too shall pass, so do the times of feeling good. I sure do like the good times better though.

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