Tuesday, September 09, 2003

in order to gain esteem, you must do esteemable acts...........

what a concept.

So last night I did esteemable acts. I went to the gym again!!! Yea Rae!! I did 20 minutes on the skis while watching Oprah endorse Iman. I did abs, arms and more legs on the weights. Then I went to the movie store and picked up some freebees that were calling my name--I had a coupon. Then went to the Ingles to pick up ingrediants for my casserole. I found a delightful casserole that is right up my ally. It has no vegatables at all and includes chocolate. It is in my quick cooking magazine and it is called a s'mores casserole. It is for the pot luck this evening. I got home and put everything away and began work on the casserole and called a friend to chitter chat. When I went over to the stove that was on preheat, I noticed it was COLD! Oh no. The pilot light went out. Rather than explode the house, I just aired things out a bit and will wait for the land lord to get back to re-light the pilot. I had to re-light all the eyes too. Bummer. So I brought the casserole into work to give to a co-worker who goes home for lunch to cook in her oven. She thinks that I am nuts and I think today I proved her right. Then I watched one of my freebees. It was Devil's Own with older cutie pie (Harrison Ford) and younger cutie pie (Brad Pitt). It is not an American story. It is an Irish one. That's all I am going to say about that. From there I went to bed. Esteemable acts, huh? how bout them apples. I put off all my dish cleaning until I got up this morning so that I would have an esteemable act for today too. Besides, they needed to soak. I washed them this morning before work. I wonder if my esteem has improved yet..............yeah, think so. The other phrase I like is acting my way into right thinking. That one is pretty good too. So, I had an esteemable acts kind of night. I am totally sleepy today though. Oh well. Pumping esteem is hard work. Siesta is in order.

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