Friday, October 10, 2003

So things didn't go the way I wanted them to go. It turns out that I was one of the balloons that popped. I have found a new workplace as an administrative assistant in a medical office for their marketing executive, which means that I am a glorified secrectary. Actually, I respond to two individuals who give me things to do. Thankfully, I am just getting started and it is always a nice relaxing thing to start work on a Friday. I am very excited to be here seeing as it means that I get a check next Friday and that I found out that they pay for my insurance as opposed to me paying for it. So in reality I am making more money at this job than I was at the last one. This is a good thing if you ask me. The other cool thing is that I already know some of the people who work here so the adjustment is not so adjusty, if that makes any sense at all. I am very grateful that God gave me this new job. It really is a God thing--trust me. The other cool thing about this job is that I get to dress up. The woman that I work under is a "dress for success" type person and is begin into being good looking. Yea! I get to wear all my interview clothes all the time. Now I know that most people go to work in a tie on a regular basis, but in the button factory I was in jeans every day. Now I get to wear the good stuff too. Ho hum...............It has been so long since I have done this that I am not sure what else to say. I feel better now that I have a job again. Feeling better is always a good thing. Thanks God.

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