Monday, May 02, 2005

I felt like I ran all weekend. I ran to Macon on Friday for work. I ran to PTC to meet up with Dad and hangout until we went to see Mom's play. After Mom's play, we struck the set. The next morning we ran to have our picture made as a family and Mom and Dad went off in process and bought a golf cart! Yes, they are officially in PTC, they bought a golf cart. Then I ran to the old house to pick up books for Grace. Then I ran to Marietta to hook up with friends. Then I ran to Carter's house because I was exhausted. I was so grateful to find that Carter was only one exit away from where we were in Marietta. Whew. Then the next morning Carter and I ran to church, went to the service, ate lunch and played handbells from which I ran to Dahlonega for a business meeting with friends and then I just couldn't run any more. I went home to nap and watch a movie, straighten my apartment and prepare for today. I watched "Taxi Driver" with Robert DeNiro and Jodi Foster. Jodi won an Oscar for her role and prior to the little un in "The Piano," she was the youngest actor to win an Oscar. Jodi will probably be one of the few actors to achieve three Oscars. (Her other Oscar was for "Lambs") I was not impressed with the movie. It was very eerie although it was very well acted. Anyway. . .

Today I am not running, however, I do have an interview. I am not dressed in anyone's out fit, it is mine. I am excited and ready. I recieved two flush letters in the mail yesterday: one from the technical college and one from a place I applied for in Gainesville as a discharge planner. I decided to place my flush letters on the side of my refridgerator. I remember the men at Tech used to put them on their door for everyone to see. I think it is a good idea because it reminds me that I am doing what I am supposed to do. I will take any prayers that folks are giving out today. I will also take any luck folks are handing out too.

1 comment:

Oze said...

Good luck, kiddo.

Next time your in May-retta, call me. I'm not far from Carter.