Thursday, May 12, 2005

So I was sucker punched by my boss yesterday. I was totally not prepared to make a mistake and get yelled at for it. I could see if it were a huge mistake that cost money, but I just made a human mistake and it made me strive harder in the jobs search. Strangely enough I saw immediate results. I feel like I am on a roll lately because I have been to about an interview a week. I am going to an interview today. I don't even know what the position is because I didn't apply for any set position per se, just sent in a resume and a note saying "if I qualify. . ."

Finally turned my ac on the other night during Monopoly only to find yesterday that it wasn't really working. Had to call my land lord on that one. Turns out that the thing is totally broken and it is brand new. Hope it is under warranty. Although, it might be like my parents refridgerator (spelling) and have broken the day after the warranty expired.

Can't find anyone to go see Hillary with me. While those of you who are staunch, close minded people laughing at me, know that my family has abandoned me on this one. I found a girlfriend who wants to go, but she has to work things out because she has a new baby. I told her to bring the baby, but that might not work for her. We shall see.

Baby sat Iris on Tuesday night. She is learning about a word a day. Tuesday she said a whole sentence. She was chasing a cat and the cat went around the corner. She turned, looked my directions threw her hands on her hips and asked,"Where did she go?" It was amazing. She won the best baby award that night for the sentence and for the no fuss "Nite-nite." Yeah, that was cool. Never had that happen before, usually I have to put a little elbow grease in in order for her to go to bed, but nothing. Just said "Nite-nite Iris" and poof. Asleep. Amazing.

And on a final note, John and I had an anniversary yesterday. Three years since our first date.
In Seinfeld's Elaine's language: SHUT UP!


Dr. G. said...

The fridge was under warranty!

Sarah said...

No one, not even your fam, will go see Hilary? I would go if I were there!

Oze said...

Why go see her when you know what she's going to say?

Bush is bad, UN is good, Iraq war bad, etc., etc.

All the politicians in Washington have their catch phrases and say the same thing. On both the right and left.