Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Another one bites the dust. . .

So the interview was a dud. Oh well. I was more confident and professional than the person doing the interview. When I gave her my resume, she folded it and put it in her purse. Yeah, that was the kicker for me. I thought about saying, "Call me when you can afford me!" but instead I said, "Have a great day it was nice meeting with you!" Hurray for God speaking through me, because what my head comes up with to say is just wrong.

Yesterday I got to babysit Iris. She was such a good baby. She is eighteen months old as of the second. She is finally getting hair. (My cousin Emily would just about die at this considering her son needed a hair cut shortly after birth!) She has little wisps that are growing over her collar and ears. It is amazing. I didn't think she would ever get any hair. She has begun making sense in her baby talk too. She is now communicating things like bottle, mom, play, "bump" which is the trampeline. It is cool. Last night I taught her "poopey!" She had an exploding diaper which caught her off guard. She jumped and grabbed her backside and gave me this look like, "was that me?" (She has been a little constapated lately and Meg didn't know what to do. I gave her two prunes and took care of that!) So I looked at her and said, "Did you go poopey?" and she mimmiced me back. From then on everytime she passed gas she looked at me, grabbed her backside and said with big, happy eyes,"POOPEY!" She proceeded to laugh hysterically after saying the word. When we tagged up with her Dad that night, he was shocked and delighted. I think her potty training will go pretty good. Everytime I think about the look on her face the first time it makes me laugh. Stark shock and totally unaware. Hhahahahaha.

Last night putting Iris to bed was so hard. Everytime she would come within a hair of knocking off, the phone would ring. The first time it was her mom, the second time John. Meg ended up working late and instead of Meg, another babysitter showed up. Meg knows that I pumpkinize after ten o'clock and keeping me out on a school night is not a good thing. Thank goodness for fresh recruits. The young woman who came to relieve me was another single mother who works with Meg and one thing about working in a restaurant, no way to go to sleep at ten at night. It never happens. She was wide awake and probably cleaned Meg's whole house before she made it home. Meg is the manager now and her responsibility has jumped ten fold. She also had two people call in last night which meant that she was the only wait staff (Tuesdays only call for three servers). I can't imagine. I am glad I don't work there anymore. I don't know what I was thinking. Sometimes I think I get a little more sane and then I realize that's not possible. I am sure she is exhausted today. She has to work again tonight. Thank you God for letting me work in an office today.

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